I've been dealing with horrific rash the last month or more. When it first appeared it was on my left arm with no symptoms of itching or burning. I went to see my neurologist to see if it was Keppra that I just started on for my seizures and she said it looked like contact dermatitis and then she upped my dose; oh wow did things get worse for me. I went to the ER many times, saw many doctors and specialist to figure out what was wrong. I even got a biopsy done on my skin. For the longest time everyone was telling me it was contact dermatitis and that its something in my environment. So, I eliminated any dyes, perfumes, harsh soaps or chemicals and nothing was getting better. Once again went to the doctors office and they gave me all the allergy medicine one could get and it only relieved my symptoms a little but never fixed it. I even took oral and topical steroids for awhile. I thought maybe it was scabies, bed bugs, fleas......I had a exterminator come out to check my house f...