Special Me.

Special  Ed wasn't a title I owed up too in my earlier years. I would always try to hide the fact that this title hung on me like the plague. No matter where I went, it went. It's hard enough to find who you are with out being put into a bucket. I wanted so badly to be "normal" like everyone else? Well, that never happened.

What actually happened was the opposite; I started to embrace who I am and who I wanted to be. I owned up to my abilities and disabilities for a lack of a better word. Reason I started doing this is because I realized if I didn't own my shit, no one will. So, someone had too and that had to be me. I took the first steps of taking in all that I am and will be or could be. I owned up to my specialness and met it face to face.

I think we fear ourselves the most often because we are afraid of others rejecting what we think is flawed. But really are we flawed or is it just illusion we are made to believe about ourselves? I like to think it's illusion rather that we are flawed.


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