Dear friends

Dear friends,

You're beautiful  to me not because of physical aspects but rather the uniqueness you bring into my life. In the past year or so I have met some wonderful people with colorful backgrounds of their own. I want to say that each one could never replace another for the fact that each individual brings joy to my life for many different reasons. My life is uniquely surrounded by the friends that are fun, compassionate, goofy, courageous, powerful, and striving to be the best version they can be.

Life will bring you plenty of hurdles but remember friends you have the choice to be happy and no one can make that choice for you. I had or have my own hurdles to over come but I have chosen to be happy despite of the hurdles that come my way. I want you to know that you are stronger than you realize and that I am rooting for you to the finish line! Don't give in to the world it can be so deceiving and miss leading. I am here to hopefully show you the way to self-love and true joy for you're own pleasure.

Remember to take a deep breath each time you walk out that door and tell you're self how amazing you are as a person. You have a lot to offer if you choose to embrace it; know that only you can define what that is and what that means too you.


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